Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 8, 2010

Today we finished up talking about food security and watched a very powerful video about issues with food security in Ohio. This video really hit home for me because I have had to go to soup kitchens before for meals when I did not have the funds or resources at home to prepare meals for myself. Hearing the testimonies from the interviewee's was even more powerful and hard to see the amount of people who depend on things like this. Food is one of the life essentials and for people to have to depend on soup kitchens and organizations that give free food out is heart breaking. I know that Southern Ohio is one of the poorest parts of the country, I just feel that as people in the nutrition workforce, we need to get out in the community and help those start their own garden and teach others how to produce their own food. One thing that I am really passionate about is the movie Food Inc. I own the movie and have tried to show it to all my friends to bring to their attention how the food industry has come to the point it's at now. I could go on and on about it but the main point is that we all need to be knowledgable about the food that we eat to sustain our health and well-being. I am looking forward to our group projects to learn how to start community gardens and promote healthy living in the community.

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